“Ocean Doll” - Wool, burlap, soil, plants and seeds - 5m. x 6m. 18' x 20' - Dorado Beach Resort, at Ritz-Carlton Reserve, Puerto Rico. 5th Art in Golf Triennial “Patterns in Nature” curated by Ariane Hackstein with the support of ARTE FITS FOUNDATION. Muñeca del Mar was installed in March 2024.
Image taken with a drone by environmental artist Kuei-Chi Lee
“Muñeca del Mar” is a garden doll story inspired by the corals and sea animals of the Coral Fringing Reef of Puerto Rican Caribbean Sea.
The doll is emerging from the bottom of the sea to the island bringing parts of the ocean in her body. She lays down next to a few palm trees, getting sun and preparing herself for birthing a native garden of flowers for pollinators and humans.
In her belly there is a golden flower referencing “La Flor de Oro” , the Taino creation story where the Ocean and their creatures originated from a flower. We are the Ocean and the Ocean is us. I’m pregnant too and I feel like I'm carrying an ocean world.
She reminds us that all human activities such as constructions, the use of fertilizers, erosion, pollution (to name a few) are affecting the fragile coral ecosystems which in return is negatively affecting human life.
This project will continue evolving through the next months.
Thank you to my mom and Paola Herdoiza for helping me crochet this project and to:
-My daughter Melissa and husband Grégoire Cachett.
-Carolina Stubbe and Elena Delfino
-Jose Vasquez
-Glenda Cintron, Nicolás Iturregui, Genesis Cabello, all the artists of the Triennal and everyone who was part of this project!